The Loudest Festival on earth, where living loud is the only standard.


By far the loudest festival on earth

Decibel outdoor, talk about a name that says it all. Decibel is without a doubt the
loudest festival on earth since 2002. Join the fun during this 3-day festival. More than 250 acts raising the bar in 25 areas. All stages switch genre every day, making sure you experience this epic festival and its beautiful terrain even more. This might just be the ultimate destination of the festival season.

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-07 om 14.03.38

Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek

Beekse Bergen is the most beautiful festival terrain of The Netherlands. It’s located in the south of the country and is situated in a wooded area next to the water.

Decibel Outdoor recap 2023
301025611 5529365907106689 5108677870882322781 n
301211493 5529365320440081 5843737395871138508 n
301190223 5529365573773389 3795240446412703171 n
301217760 5529366257106654 7144810220093683448 n
300685987 5529369830439630 1030029841084751883 n
301808772 5529362643773682 1602969748240656539 n
301147443 5529370853772861 1955163401413447384 n
190817 174031 decibel delio lr
190818 2029 DB19 Richard LR 6670
190817-234140-db2019-jt pkz-9643
190818 005319 decibel delio lr
20190818005656 AlexVanOostrum DJI 0750-Edit-Edit
20180818 1540 DB18 RICHARD 097 4830
20180818 2250 DB18 RICHARD 191 6121
20180818 Decibel FP 179-7512